Fertility Clinic Moncton, NB: Causes of Miscarriage in Pregnancy and How to Prevent It

The phenomenon of miscarriage, defined as the spontaneous termination of a pregnancy prior to the 20th week, represents a prevalent and emotionally taxing event for expectant individuals. Occurring in approximately 10-20% of recognized pregnancies, miscarriages pose significant emotional and physical challenges. Fertility Clinic Moncton, NB explores the etiological factors and potential prophylactic measures offers critical insights for those endeavoring to conceive or currently navigating pregnancy.

Genetic Discrepancies

Predominantly in the initial trimester, chromosomal irregularities in the embryo emerge as a principal cause of miscarriage. These anomalies may occur spontaneously during cellular division or stem from issues in the gametes. Such genetic discrepancies hinder normal fetal development, often culminating in miscarriage. This cause, predominantly random in nature, remains largely beyond the scope of preventive intervention.

Endocrine Imbalances

Imbalances in key hormones, notably progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are implicated in miscarriages. Progesterone’s role in sustaining the uterine lining is crucial, and its deficiency can impede embryonic implantation or precipitate early miscarriage. Hormonal therapy might be indicated for individuals with known endocrine disorders who are attempting conception.

Lifestyle Contributions

Lifestyle variables significantly influence pregnancy health. Tobacco use, excessive alcohol intake, and illicit drug consumption correlate with heightened miscarriage risk. Moreover, extremes in body weight also present risks. Adopting a healthful lifestyle, inclusive of balanced nutrition and regular physical activity, can diminish miscarriage likelihood. Evading harmful substances, weight management, and consistent prenatal care are vital preventive strategies.

Pathophysiological Conditions and Infectious Agents

Pre-existing maternal medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and thyroid dysfunctions augment miscarriage risk always visit Fertility Clinic Moncton, NB before you start trying to conceive. Uterine infections also contribute. Women with chronic health conditions should rigorously manage their health in concert with healthcare providers, both preconception and during pregnancy. Regular medical evaluations and appropriate interventions can reduce these risks.

Age-Related Considerations

Age is a significant determinant in miscarriage probability. Women over 35 and men over 40 face elevated risks of chromosomal anomalies in offspring, leading to miscarriage. While these age-related risks are unavoidable, cognizance of them is essential for individuals planning pregnancy at a later age.

Environmental and Occupational Exposures

Contact with certain environmental toxins and occupational hazards can escalate miscarriage risks. These include heavy metals, radiation, and workplace chemicals. Avoidance of these noxious agents is imperative for those pregnant or planning pregnancy. Workplaces should enforce stringent safety protocols to safeguard reproductive health.


Miscarriage, a multifaceted issue, is influenced by a myriad of factors, many of which elude direct control. Nevertheless, an understanding of these causative elements through Fertility Clinic Moncton, NB facilitates risk management where feasible. Lifestyle modifications, diligent management of existing medical conditions, and circumvention of environmental risks can play roles in decreasing miscarriage incidence. Paramount to this endeavor is the pursuit of regular medical care and support during pregnancy, fostering optimal outcomes for both the expectant individual and the fetus. While prevention of all miscarriages is not feasible, informed and attentive prenatal care is instrumental in navigating the path toward a healthy pregnancy.

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